app-acft: airbus (a300 models b4-603, b4-605r, b4-620, c4-605r variant f, f4-605r and f4-622r a310 models 204, 222, 304, 322, 324 and 325 a318 model -111 a319 models -111, -112, -113, -114, -115, -131, -132 and -133 a320 models -111, -211, -212, -214, -231, -232 and -233 a321 models -111, -112, -131, -211 and -231 a330-343
a340-211, -212, -213, -311 and -313 series) boeing (737-600, -700, -700c, -800 and -900 series 747sp, b747sr, b747-100, -100b, -100b sud, -200b, -200c, -200f, -300, -400, -400d, -400f series 757-200, -200cb, -200pf, -300 series 767-200, -300, -300f, -400er series) mcdonnell douglas (dc-10-10, -10f, -15, -30, -30f, -40, -40f md-10-10f, md-10-30f, md-11, md-11f) lockheed (l-1011-385-1, l1011-385-1-14, l1011-385-1-15, l1011-385-3) general electric (cf6-80a, cf6-80a1, cf6-80a2, cf6-80a3, cf6-80c2a1, cf6-80c2a2, cf680-c2a3, cf6-80c2a5, cf6-80c2a5f, cf6-80c2a8, cf6-80c2b1, cf6-80c2b1f, cf6-80c2b2, cf6-80c2b2f, cf6-80c2b4, cf6-80c2b4f, cf6-80c2b5f, cf6-80c2b6 cf6-80c2b6f, cf6-80c2b6fa, cf6-80c2b7f, cf6-80c2b8f, cf6-80c2d1f)
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