Piper P/N 155, 155.312, 155.375

Beschreibung: Storm window (vent window)

piper Modelle

  • PA-32-260 S/N 32-7400001 thru 32-7800008
  • PA-32-300 S/N 32-7440001 thru 32-7940282
  • PA-32R-300 S/N 32R-7680001 thru 32R-7880068
  • PA-32RT-300 S/N 32R-7885001 thru 32R-7985125
  • PA-32RT-300T S/N 32R-7887001 thru 32R-7987146
  • PA-32-301 S/N 32-8006001 and up
  • PA-32-301T S/N 32-8024001 and up
  • PA-32R-301 S/N 32R-8013001 and up
  • PA-32R-301T S/N 32R-8029001 and up
  • PA-34-200 S/N 34-7450001 thru 34-7450220
  • PA-34-200T S/N 34-7570001 thru 34-8170092
  • PA-34-220T S/N 34-8133001 thru 34-8633031 S/N 3433001 and up S/N 3448005 and up
  • PA-44-180 S/N 44-7995001 thru 44-8195026
  • PA-44-180 S/N 4495001 and up
  • PA-44-180T S/N 44-8107001 thru 44-8207020
  • PA-28-140 S/N 28-20002 thru 28-7725290
  • PA-28-150 S/N 28-1 thru 28-4377
  • PA-28-160 28-1 thru 28-4377
  • PA-28-180 28-1 thru 28-4377
  • PA-28-151 S/N 28-7415001 thru 28-7715314
  • PA-28-161 S/N 28-7716001 and up
  • 28-8316001 and up
  • PA-28-180 S/N 28-4378 thru 28-7505261
  • PA-28R-180 S/N 28R-30005 thru 28R-7130019
  • PA-28-181 S/N 28-7690001 and up
  • PA-28R-200 S/N 28R-35001 thru 28R-7635545
  • PA-28-201T S/N 28-7921001 thru 28-7921095
  • PA-28R-201 S/N 28R-7737002 thru 28R-7837335
  • PA-28R-201T S/N 28R-7703001 thru 28R-7803394
  • PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 thru 28R-8218039
  • PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-7931001 and up
  • PA-28-235 S/N 28-10003 thru 28-7710089
  • PA-28-236 S/N 28-7911001 and up

All applicable aircraft models:

Piper (PA-32-260 S/N 32-7400001 thru 32-7800008, PA-32-300 S/N 32-7440001 thru 32-7940282, PA-32R-300 S/N 32R-7680001 thru 32R-7880068, PA-32RT-300 S/N 32R-7885001 thru 32R-7985125, PA-32RT-300T S/N 32R-7887001 thru 32R-7987146, PA-32-301 S/N 32-8006001 and up, PA-32-301T S/N 32-8024001 and up, PA-32R-301 S/N 32R-8013001 and up, PA-32R-301T S/N 32R-8029001 and up, PA-34-200 S/N 34-7450001 thru 34-7450220, PA-34-200T S/N 34-7570001 thru 34-8170092, PA-34-220T S/N 34-8133001 thru 34-8633031 S/N 3433001 and up S/N 3448005 and up, PA-44-180 S/N 44-7995001 thru 44-8195026, PA-44-180 S/N 4495001 and up, PA-44-180T S/N 44-8107001 thru 44-8207020, PA-28-140 S/N 28-20002 thru 28-7725290, PA-28-150 S/N 28-1 thru 28-4377, PA-28-160 28-1 thru 28-4377, PA-28-180 28-1 thru 28-4377, PA-28-151 S/N 28-7415001 thru 28-7715314, PA-28-161 S/N 28-7716001 and up, 28-8316001 and up, PA-28-180 S/N 28-4378 thru 28-7505261, PA-28R-180 S/N 28R-30005 thru 28R-7130019, PA-28-181 S/N 28-7690001 and up, PA-28R-200 S/N 28R-35001 thru 28R-7635545, PA-28-201T S/N 28-7921001 thru 28-7921095, PA-28R-201 S/N 28R-7737002 thru 28R-7837335, PA-28R-201T S/N 28R-7703001 thru 28R-7803394, PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 thru 28R-8218039, PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-7931001 and up, PA-28-235 S/N 28-10003 thru 28-7710089, PA-28-236 S/N 28-7911001 and up)

OEM 65896-00 (Assembly) 65896-02 (Tinted)


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Artikel #
155, 155.312, 155.375
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