Beschreibung: Right Windshield
Piper (PA-28-180 S/N 28-7405001 through 28-7505261, PA-28-140 S/N 28-7425001 through 28-7725290, PA-28-235 S/N 28-7410001 through 27-7710089, PA-28R-200 S/N 28R-7435001 through 28R-7635545, PA-28-151 S/N 28-7415001 through 28-7715314, PA-28R-201T S/N 28R-7703001 through 28R-7703427, 28R-7803001 and up (1978 Model)
PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 and up (1979 Model)
PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-7931001 and up (1979 Model)
PA-28-236 S/N 28-7911001 and up (1979 Model)
PA-28-161 S/N 28-7716001 through 28-7816695, 28-7916001 and up (1979 Model)
PA-28-181 S/N 28-7690001 through 28-7890564, 28-7990001 and up (1979 Model)
PA-28R-201 S/N 28R-7737002 through 28R-7737178, 28R-7837001 and up (1978 Model)
PA-28-201T S/N 28-7921001 and up (1979 Model))
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