Port And Watercraft Equipment Parts

End item NSN parts
Filter By: Oil And Water Separator Assemblys
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Part Number
05A-AA-3V-230VAC Oil And Water Separator Assembly
05B-AB-3V-120VDC Oil And Water Separator Assembly
05C-CC-2V-024VDC Oil And Water Separator Assembly
539 Oil And Water Separator Assembly
543 Oil And Water Separator Assembly
567 Oil And Water Separator Assembly

Port And Watercraft Equipment

Picture of Port And Watercraft Equipment

The Stability conditions of watercraft are the various standard loading configurations to which a ship, boat, or offshore platform may be subjected. They are recognized by classification societies such as Det Norske Veritas, Lloyd's Register and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Classification societies follow rules and guidelines laid down by International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) conventions, the International Maritime Organization and laws of the country under which the vessel is flagged, such as the Code of Federal Regulations.

Stability is normally broken into two distinct types: Intact and Damaged

The vessel is in normal operational configuration. The hull is not breached in any compartment. The vessel will be expected to meet various stability criteria such as GMt (metacentric height), area under the GZ (righting lever) curve, range of stability, trim, etc.

The vessel is complete and ready for service in every respect, including permanent ballast, spare parts, lubricating oil, and working stores but is without fuel, cargo, drinking or washing water, officers, crew, passengers, their effects, temporary ballast or any other variable load.

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