MIL-PRF-19500 {lang[spec-std]}

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NSN 5961-00-849-4186 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-847-6627 Transistor


81349-mil-prf-19500/276 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-846-5808 Thyristor Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-842-9864 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-842-9597 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-842-6181 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-842-2624 Thyristor Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-840-5466 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-837-9286 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-829-3160 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500/276 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-828-2559 Transistor


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-824-1486 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-818-6676 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500/276 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-815-9380 Diode Semiconductor Device


81349-mil-prf-19500/276 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

NSN 5961-00-814-9532 Transistor


81349-mil-prf-19500 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures,etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "nominal", etc.).

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