MIL-S-5000 {lang[spec-std]}

Seite 361 of 573
NSN 5305-01-054-2299 Shoulder Screw


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 2nd material response overall or ams 6322 assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5320-01-054-0871 Pin-rivet


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5626 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5310-01-053-6510 Spline Plain Nut


Mil-s-5000 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5307-01-052-3573 Plain Stud


Mil-s-5000 mil spec single material response

NSN 5307-01-052-3572 Plain Stud


Mil-s-5000 mil spec single material response

NSN 5306-01-052-1182 Shear Bolt


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 2nd material response overall or ams6322 assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5306-01-051-9627 Shear Bolt


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 2nd material response overall or ams6322 assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5320-01-051-8197 Pin-rivet


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5626 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 3040-01-051-5375 Shouldered Shaft


Mil-s-5000,cond f mil spec single material response

NSN 5320-01-051-3293 Pin-rivet


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5626 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5340-01-051-2255 Nut And Bolt Retainer


Mil-s-5000, comp 4340 mil spec single material response

NSN 5340-01-051-2254 Nut And Bolt Retainer


Mil-s-5000, comp 4340 mil spec single material response

NSN 5340-01-051-2253 Nut And Bolt Retainer


Mil-s-5000, comp 4340 mil spec single material response

NSN 5320-01-050-7488 Pin-rivet


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5626 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5306-01-050-6481 Shear Bolt


Mil-s-5000 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 2nd material response overall or ams6322 assn std 2nd material response overall


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