MIL-S-5059 Nuts and Washers

Seite 89 of 111
NSN 5310-00-470-4360 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-5059 mil spec 3rd material response overall and 66 fed std 4th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-470-4359 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec all material responses overall

NSN 5310-00-470-3107 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 cond a mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-469-9018 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 3rd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 4th material response overall


Black overall

NSN 5310-00-463-1389 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall or qq-s-766 fed spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5310-00-463-0269 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 cond 1/2 hard mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-461-4351 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec all material responses overall

NSN 5310-00-458-8655 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 3rd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-457-1488 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 3rd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 4th material response overall


Black overall

NSN 5310-00-457-1087 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-456-6574 Spring Tension Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-455-9919 Recessed Washer


Mil-s-5059 cond h mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-451-6866 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 1/4 hard mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5059 1/2 hard mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5059 hard mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-5059 1/4 hard mil spec 4th material response overall or qq-s-764 fed spec 5th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-450-6139 Lock Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-444-6812 Key Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall


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