MIL-S-5059 {lang[spec-std]}

Seite 391 of 522
NSN 4730-00-585-8872 Hose Clamp


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response band

NSN 4730-00-585-7500 Hose Clamp


Mil-s-5059,1/4 or 1/2 hard mil spec single material response band

NSN 5365-00-584-8091 Shim


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-7720 mil spec 3rd material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 4th material response or ams 5510 assn std 5th material response

NSN 5310-00-584-7204 Key Washer


Mil-s-5059,1/4 hard mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-584-5628 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 3rd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 9905-00-584-4711 Identification Plate


Aisi 302 assn std 1st material response or ams 5515 assn std 2nd material response or mil-s-5059, type 301, annealed mil spec 3rd material response


Black border

NSN 5310-00-584-3782 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 2nd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 3rd material response overall and mil-s-6721 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5365-00-584-3759 Shim


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response or astm a582 assn std 3rd material response

NSN 5360-00-584-1448 Compression Helical Spring


Mil-s-5059,annealed mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5365-00-584-1296 Plate Spacer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response

NSN 5330-00-583-3477 Packing Retainer


Qq-s-763 fed spec single material response overall or qq-s-764 fed spec single material response overall or mil-s-5059 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5365-00-582-7269 Shim


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response or astm a582 assn std 3rd material response

NSN 5365-00-582-7268 Shim


Mil-s-5059,1/2h mil spec single material response

NSN 5365-00-582-7071 Shim


Mil-s-5059 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5059 mil spec 2nd material response or astm a582 assn std 3rd material response

NSN 5310-00-582-7070 Flat Washer


Mil-s-5059 mil spec all material responses overall


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