MIL-S-5626 Screws

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NSN 5305-01-467-8137 Machine Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response or ams 6415 assn std 2nd material response or mil-s-5000 mil spec 3rd material response or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response

NSN 5305-01-467-8136 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-467-8134 Machine Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response

NSN 5305-01-467-7063 Shoulder Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-6050 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6098 mil spec 4th material response overall or mil-s-6758 mil spec 5th material response overall or ams 6300 assn std all material responses overall

NSN 5305-01-466-9523 Machine Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response or ams6415 assn std 4th material response

NSN 5305-01-463-9533 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response fastener or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response fastener or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response fastener

NSN 5305-01-463-1354 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or ams 6414 assn std 2nd material response overall or mil-s-8844 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5305-01-460-8253 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec single material response overall and mil-s-5000 mil spec single material response overall and mil-s-6049 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-01-460-2905 Machine Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response

NSN 5305-01-459-9080 Socket Head Cap Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-8503 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6098 mil spec 4th material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 5th material response overall

NSN 5305-01-459-9073 Machine Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response

NSN 5305-01-458-7163 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 2nd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 3rd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-458-3086 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 mil spec 1st material response overall or ams 6415 assn std 2nd material response overall or mil-s-5000 mil spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-6049 mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5305-01-458-1962 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 fed spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-8844 fed spec 2nd material response overall or ams6414 assn std 2nd material response overall or mil-s-6049 fed spec 3rd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-458-1960 Close Tolerance Screw


Mil-s-5626 fed spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-8844 fed spec 2nd material response overall or ams6414 assn std 2nd material response overall or mil-s-6049 fed spec 3rd material response overall

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