MIL-S-7720 Nuts and Washers

Seite 13 of 21
NSN 5310-00-637-3716 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-637-3715 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-637-3714 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-637-3713 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-637-0526 Round Plain Nut


Mil-s-7720 mil spec all material responses overall

NSN 5310-00-637-0442 Hexagon Plain Nut


Mil-s-7720,cond b mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-637-0215 Hexagon Plain Nut


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-620-1224 Hexagon Plain Nut


Astm a582 assn std 1st material response overall or mil-s-7720,cond b mil spec 2nd material response overall or qq-s-763 fed spec 3rd material response overall or qq-s-763 fed spec 4th material response overall or mil-s-7720 cond b mil spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-620-1222 Hexagon Plain Nut


Qq-s-763 fed spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-7720 mil spec 1st material response overall or astm a582 assn std 2nd material response overall or qq-s-763 fed spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-7720 mil spec 4th material response overall or qq-s-763 fed spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-620-1165 Hexagon Plain Nut


Qq-s-763 cond b fed spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-7720 cond b mil spec 1st material response overall or qq-s-763 cond b fed spec 2nd material response overall or qq-s-763 cond b fed spec 3rd material response overall or mil-s-7720 cond b mil spec 3rd material response overall or qq-s-763 cond b fed spec 4th material response overall or mil-s-7720 cond b mil spec 4th material response overall or mil-s-7720 condb mil spec 5th material response overall

NSN 5310-00-618-0312 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720,cond b mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-616-8331 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-616-3065 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-601-9666 Clinch Plain Nut


Mil-s-7720 cond a mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5310-00-596-9858 Spline Plain Nut


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

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