MIL-S-7720 {lang[spec-std]}

Seite 203 of 234
NSN 4730-00-191-8020 Tube To Boss Straight Adapter


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall or qq-s-764,300 series fed spec single material response overall

NSN 4730-00-190-7935 Pipe Elbow


Mil-s-7720,cond a mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-190-7021 Setscrew


Mil-s-7720 mil spec all material responses overall

NSN 5310-00-190-2942 Flat Washer


Mil-s-7720 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-184-8962 Machine Screw


Mil-s-7720 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-18732 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-7720 mil spec 3rd material response or qq-s-763 fed spec 4th material response

NSN 5305-00-182-9506 Socket Head Cap Screw


Mil-s-7720 mil spec 1st material response overall or astm a582 assn std 2nd material response overall or qq-s-763 class 321 fed spec 3rd material response overall or qq-s-763 class 347 fed spec 4th material response overall

NSN 5325-00-182-6924 Screw Thread Insert


Mil-s-7720,cond b mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-182-1353 Machine Screw


Mil-s-7720 comp fm or g mil spec 1st material response or qq-s-763 cl 4 fed spec 2nd material response

NSN 3120-00-180-6692 Sleeve Bushing


Mil-s-7720 com+302 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-00-180-3331 Machine Screw


Qq-s-763,cl iv fed spec 1st material response or mil-s-7720 comp fm or g mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5305-00-180-1455 Machine Screw


Mil-s-7720 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-18732 mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-7720 mil spec 3rd material response or qq-s-763 fed spec 4th material response

NSN 5305-00-180-1453 Machine Screw


Qq-s-763,class 4 fed spec single material response or mil-s-7720,comp fm or g mil spec single material response

NSN 5305-00-180-0026 Machine Screw


Mil-s-7720 mil spec 1st material response or mil-s-18732 mil spec 2nd material response or qq-s-763 fed spec 3rd material response or mil-s-7720 mil spec 4th material response

NSN 5305-00-180-0023 Machine Screw


Qq-s-763 class 4 fed spec 1st material response or mil-s-7720 comp fm mil spec 2nd material response or mil-s-7720 comp fm mil spec 3rd material response or mil-s-7720 comp g mil spec 4th material response

NSN 3020-00-179-6753 Spur Gear


Mil-s-7720,comp 303s mil spec single material response overall

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