A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Use: for air-line respirators, hoods and suits used in spray painting, sand blasting, etc.; atmosphere: can be used in oxygen deficient atm; purification units: 1) prefilter removes oil, liquid water, and solids, 2) dryer reduces water vapor, 3) catalytic converter changes carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, 4) final filter removes unpleasant tastes and odors; max. Outlet air flow: 115 to 200 psig; inlet pressure: 80 to 150 psig; operating pressure: 75 to 150 psig; operating temp.: 120 degrees f. Max.; mounting: floor mounted; pipe and hose connections: included, 2.0 in. Input, 1.5 in. Output; dimensions: 72.5 in. H, 59.5 in. W, 36.0 in. D, shipping wt: 830 lb