A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Material: steel, an-qq-s-752, comp 4140; dimensions: 5.325 to 5.350 in. Long, 0.743 to 0.748 in. Wide, and 0.245 to 0.255 in. Thick, each end has a perpendicular extension, 0.870 to 0.880 in. Lg, 0.743 to 0.748 in. Wide, and 0.245 to 0.255 in. Thick, through each arm is a hole, 0.191 to 0.194 in. Dia, centered on the width and 0.557 to 0.572 in. From the bottom surface. At each end, 0.125 to 0.140 in. From lower corner, is a hole, 0.070 to 0.075 in. Diameter drilled at a diagonal of 45.0 deg. Through the side and bottom surfaces