A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
W/air receiver base; 75 to 100 psi req air pressure; for 3 in. Maximum drill bit, for 1.5 in. Maximum shank; forging dies set of lower upper ea set dies ea 1 ea forming bit on 1.125 in. Hex drill steel 1.875 2 in. Ga sizes, shank forming breaker steel shank 1.125x6 in. Hex collared on 1.125 in. Solid hex drill steel sect, breaker steel shank 1.25 by 6 in. Hex collared shank on 1.25 in. Solid hex drill steel sect, set former dies bit 4 point size 1.625 to 2 in. Ga, 2 ea shank forming sets dies drifter steel shank 1.25 by 3.813 in. Rd shank on 1.25 in. Hollow rd steel sect, drill steel shank 1 by 4.25 in. Hex shank on 1 in. Hollow hex steel sect, set of lower upper halves ea upsetting sets dies thd forging type 1 drill steel thd on 1 in. Hex drill steel sect, thd forging type 2 drill steel rod thd on 1.25 in. Rd drill steel sect; addnl equip set blocks of lower upper ea 2 ext shank form die supports, retaining die inserts drill steel rod thd forging, 1 drill steel rod thd forging chuck, dolly ea